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Nazarian Law Nazarian Law Image Nazarian Law Nazarian Law +1 647-660-6900 130 Queens Quay East, Suite 715, Toronto, Ontario, M5A 0P6
5 stars - "<p>I recently had the pleasure of working with this law firm and was blown away by their level of expertise and professionalism. They made me feel right at home from the moment I walked through their door, and their level of compassion and understanding was truly refreshing. They took the time to explain everything to me in a way that I could understand and always kept me informed throughout the entire process. Thanks to their hard work and dedication, my legal matter was resolved successfully, and I couldn&#8217;t be happier with the outcome. I highly recommend this firm to anyone in need of legal services. Trust me, you won&#8217;t be disappointed. They are the real deal and know how to get things done.</p> "
Nazarian Law Nazarian Law Image Nazarian Law Nazarian Law +1 647-660-6900 130 Queens Quay East, Suite 715, Toronto, Ontario, M5A 0P6
5 stars - "<p>I recently had the pleasure of working with Nazarian Law firm relating to a real estate closing that was fast approaching. We could not be happier with the high level of service that we were provided with. From start to finish Armen and Daniel were both extremely professional, responsive, knowledgeable and went above and beyond to assist us in meeting our closing deadline. There was excellent and clear communication throughout and I appreciate all of their hard work and I would highly recommend this law firm!!</p> "
Nazarian Law Nazarian Law Image Nazarian Law Nazarian Law +1 647-660-6900 130 Queens Quay East, Suite 715, Toronto, Ontario, M5A 0P6
5 stars - "<p>We&#8217;ve relied on Armen and the Nazarian Law team for several business and real estate matters and the one thing that always blows us away is the level of care and responsiveness we get from this firm. Armen is always ready to handle a priority closing, and does it with exceptional care and service.</p> "
Nazarian Law Nazarian Law Image Nazarian Law Nazarian Law +1 647-660-6900 130 Queens Quay East, Suite 715, Toronto, Ontario, M5A 0P6
5 stars - "<p>I recently worked with Nazarian Law to register a mortgage on my residential property, and I have nothing but positive things to say about my experience. From start to finish, everything was handled in a professional and efficient manner. The office of Nazarian Law was clean and well-organized, which immediately gave me confidence in their abilities. The staff were friendly, attentive, and made me feel comfortable throughout the entire process. Armen Nazarian, the lawyer who handled my case, was knowledgeable and thorough. He took the time to explain the process to me and answer any questions that I had. I was impressed by his attention to detail and his ability to ensure that everything was completed correctly and on time. The fees charged by Nazarian Law were very reasonable, especially considering the level of work that was involved. I appreciated their transparency in explaining the fees and what was included in their services.</p> "

Enforceability Of Prenuptial Agreements In Ontario – Tips And Common Pitfalls


Enforceability Of Prenuptial Agreements In Ontario – Tips And Common Pitfalls

FamilyLawyerTorontoIndependent Legal AdviceOntarioPrenuptial Agreement
Jan 16th 2024

In our previous article on Comprehensive Overview of Prenuptial Agreements in Ontario, we dealt with some crucial aspects of the formulation of prenuptial agreements and the importance of meticulous planning. As we embark on Volume 2 of our series, we shift our focus to a topic of significance- the enforceability of prenuptial agreements. 

Having dealt with the art of creating a strong prenuptial agreement, we now turn our attention to a critical question: How can a prenuptial agreement successfully withstand legal scrutiny? This shift emphasizes a thorough understanding of the various factors when it comes to enforcing prenuptial agreements. 



Crafting a strong and enforceable prenuptial agreement is a crucial step in laying the groundwork for a harmonious marriage. One must recognize the central role this agreement can have in promoting transparency, communication, and mutual respect between partners. A strong prenuptial agreement not only safeguards your financial interests but also serves as a useful tool to mitigate emotional and legal distress in the unfortunate event that your relationship encounters difficulties. This proactive approach not only protects your assets but also helps foster a sense of security and fairness, promoting a healthier resolution process should the need arise. The following success tips, although not exhaustive, aims to guide you through the complexities of drafting a prenuptial agreement that not only withstands legal scrutiny but also cultivates a foundation of understanding and collaboration within your relationship.

  • Early communication 

Start discussing the possibility of a prenuptial agreement early on in your relationship. This is a difficult topic to deal with, but an open and honest communication helps avoid surprises and ensures both parties are on the same page. 

  • Transparency is key 

Be completely transparent about your financial situation including your financial obligations. Complete disclosure is crucial for the validity and fairness of your agreement. 

  • Hire a lawyer

Seek legal advice from separate lawyers for each party. This ensures that the interests of both parties are represented and preserved. It may seem tempting to draw up a free prenuptial agreement off the internet, but absence of a thorough understanding of the implications of each term and its effects later on, could leave you in an unwanted mess. 

  • Customising 

Tailor your prenuptial agreement to cater to your specific needs and circumstances. A one size fits all approach may not be able to address the unique concerns of your relationship. 

  • Fair and reasonable terms

Create terms that are fair and reasonable for both parties. Courts are more likely to uphold agreements that demonstrate equity.

  • Update as and when needed 

It is imperative to review and update prenuptial agreements, especially when significant life changes occur, such as birth of children, career advancements, or changes in financial situation. 

  • Enforceable as per Ontario laws

Learn the laws surrounding prenuptial agreements. Understanding the legal requirements for an enforceable prenuptial agreement reinforces the need to create a valid and fair prenuptial agreement. 

  •  Separate as to your assets and liabilities

Clearly outline assets and debts, as well as what remains separate and what assumes joint responsibility. This distinction helps avoid confusion, surprises and potential disputes. 

  • Keep emotions in check 

While we understand the creation of a prenuptial agreement is difficult, especially speaking about the possibility of a marriage breakdown, before getting into one, it is important to recognize that the agreement is meant to protect both parties. Think of it as life insurance; you may not need it but it is prudent to have one. 



As you consider preparing a prenuptial agreement, it is essential to approach this process with diligence and foresight. While this agreement aims to provide protection, it is not immune to potential pitfalls that if overlooked, may compromise its validity and effectiveness. 

  • Last minute rush 

Avoid leaving the creation of a prenuptial agreement to the last minute. Hasty decisions may lead to oversights and may compromise the effectiveness of the agreement. 

  • Lack of financial disclosure

Failing to disclose financial information can jeopardize the validity of the prenuptial agreement. Both parties must provide a complete and honest overview of their assets and liabilities with corroborating documents. 

  • Lack of Independent Legal Advice

Although it may seem cost-effective at first, skipping legal advice is a common mistake most individuals make. Effective legal representation ensures both parties understand the terms and implications of the agreement and reduces the potential of being set aside in future on grounds such as unfairness or not understanding the nature and scope of the agreement. 

  • Unconscionability

Simply put, a prenuptial agreement that contains unconscionable terms is unfair. Generally, determining unconscionability rests with a court’s opinion on the matter and whether the agreement’s nature is so unequal that it would shock anyone with common sense. For example, an agreement that requires a spouse to do a certain amount of household chores or perform a designated number of intimate acts would be considered unconscionable. Additionally, a prenup that leaves one spouse wealthy and the other on welfare is unjust and unfair.

  • Coercion or duress

Entering into a prenuptial agreement under coercion or duress can render it invalid. Both partners should enter into the agreement willingly. 

  • Inadequate review

Failing to review and update the prenuptial agreement periodically can lead to outdated terms. Life circumstances change, and the agreement should reflect these changes to remain effective.

  • Overlooking future contingencies

Failing to address potential future scenarios may leave gaps in the agreement. Anticipating and including provisions for various situations enhances the document’s longevity and relevance.

  • Using ambiguous language 

Ambiguous language is unclear and confusing and can be understood by each party in different ways. When drafting an agreement, you don’t want to use language that is complex, convoluted, vague and open to more than one interpretation. 



Question 1: Is a prenuptial agreement legal in Ontario?

Answer: Yes, prenuptial agreements are legal and valid in Ontario, provided they adhere to the legal requirements for the same. We have discussed legal requirements for a prenuptial agreement in our earlier article on Comprehensive Overview of Prenuptial Agreements in Ontario

Question 2: We are already married. Can we enter into a prenuptial agreement?

Answer: A prenuptial agreement cannot be signed after the wedding takes place. Prenuptial agreements  are only valid if they are completed (i.e., witnessed and signed) before getting married. However, parties are not without recourse if they are already married, and without a prenuptial agreement. The parties can consider entering into a marriage contract. This essentially enumerates the same terms as a prenuptial agreement would. The only difference is the time at which it was prepared, and the term used to refer to such a document. A marriage contract entered into after marriage is also referred to as a post-nuptial agreement in common parlance. 

Question 3: Is a prenuptial agreement executed in Ontario, valid in another jurisdiction?

Answer: The enforceability of a prenuptial agreement in another jurisdiction depends on the laws of that jurisdiction. Prenuptial agreements are usually governed by the laws of the jurisdiction where they were created. When parties to a prenuptial agreement move to another jurisdiction, the enforceability of the agreement depends on the choice of law clause. Generally prenuptial agreements include a clause specifying which jurisdiction’s laws would govern, should a dispute arise with respect to the agreement. 

Question 4: Can both parties hire the same lawyer? 

Answer: The Law Society of Ontario prohibits lawyers from representing two parties in a prenuptial agreement. The concept here is that despite complete agreement between the parties, their interests may not be identical. What may be advantageous for one person, could have detrimental effects for the other. This creates a conflict of interest, not allowing us to represent one client effectively.  

Question 5: How do I get out of a prenuptial agreement?

Answer: Getting out of a prenuptial agreement is typically a complex legal matter and depends on a variety of factors, including the terms of the agreement and the circumstances they were drafted under. The common ways to get out of a prenuptial agreement are: 

  • Coercion

If one party can prove that they were made to sign the agreement under duress or coercion, it may be grounds for invalidating the agreement. Coercion involves threats, physical force, or other forms of pressure that when made by one party, forces the other to sign the agreement against their free will. 

  • Lack of financial disclosure

For a prenuptial agreement to be considered valid, both parties must provide full and frank financial disclosure. If one party can demonstrate that the other failed to disclose significant assets or liabilities, they may be able to successfully challenge the agreement. 

  • Lack of independent legal advice

If one party was not given a reasonable opportunity to seek independent legal advice before signing the prenuptial agreement, it may be challenged on this ground. However, independent legal advice is not mandatory. If the party was able to understand and appreciate the nature and consequences of the agreement irrespective of independent legal advice, the agreement will be upheld. 



  • Review your prenuptial agreement

It is important to review the terms of your prenuptial agreement time and again to ensure that its provisions and conditions remain constant. A change in any condition may either require immediate attention and an update, or may eventually lead to a ground for challenging the validity of the agreement. 

  • Negotiation with your spouse

If you realize a clause in the prenuptial agreement no longer applies or is invalid, consider negotiating with your spouse first to reach a mutual agreement on the same. Many times minor differences may be resolved with open communication and good faith.

  • Change in jurisdiction

If you and your spouse plan to relocate, or either of you relocate, consult with a lawyer from that other jurisdiction to discuss the effects of such move on the enforceability of the agreement. 

  • Seek expert advice

Drafting a prenuptial agreement is a significant step in safeguarding your future, but navigating legal complexities requires expert guidance. Seeking advice from an experienced professional ensures that your prenuptial agreement is comprehensive and tailored to your specific needs. Our team of experienced lawyers are here to assist you in formulating a prenuptial agreement that aligns with your visions and goals. Start by booking a complimentary consultation with us today!




The content provided in this article or blog is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to constitute legal advice or to replace the advice of a qualified legal professional. While we strive to provide accurate and current information, the law is complex and constantly changing, and each person’s circumstances are unique. Therefore, you should not rely on this information as a substitute for professional legal advice. This information does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and our law firm. We strongly recommend that you consult with a qualified attorney in your jurisdiction to understand your legal rights and obligations. Always seek legal advice before making any decisions that may impact your legal rights or obligations.



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